Living in Aligned Stewardship
By Jipala Kagan
Illustrated by Anne Dwyer
Available @ HalfMoon Books, Worlds End Comics, Rough Draft (check on the shelf in the corner, pls someone rescue this book from obsolescence). Kingston, NY
This Book! Let me tell you was no small fete. It was a slog to get it out into print. I think it maybe poor timing, coming out just days before Christmas, no one is in the mood to shop in January. I had multiple impulses to shelf the project, but it prevailed and if you read the book you may see why. It is worth the work, a couple years of incubating and researching the information, writing it was easy, and getting it into form well that was a delivery process. I think it might be hard to read, the information is tough and threatening in some ways.
I am holding on to this quote I found in Sally Mann’s memoir, Hold Still. If you don’t write something that provokes people, then it isn’t worth writing in the first place, Or something similar to that. I have made peace with so much in my years. I make peace with this as well. The book may collect dust, and that is ok. I needed to write it for so many reasons and that is good enough for me. A personal project, a local community project, a global project, it addresses the Spiritual Crisis of the nation , the family structure and the individual. The words are hard, they resemble fake language that surrounds us on crappy television and in the bad movies. But the sentiment is real. I leave the rest up to you.
Thank you!
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