Hey! Hey! Hey!

On February 10, the Chinese New Year 2024 begins.

The Year of the YANG Wood Dragon. 

A lively year of intense growth, some fieriness and a tad bit of luck.

The Dragons are on their way to meet in the mysterious cave under the Kunlun mountains. They convene every 12 years to discuss matters of cosmic concern.They travel from all corners of the globe, leaving their secret habitats, flying only at night.  It is the year 2024, a significant one. The planets have shifted and we are entering a new age. The dragons have much to discuss and loads of strategizing to accomplish in just one evening. It is the duo- decennial  gathering of the dragons. 

 We have a fierce year ahead, one that follows the YIN year of the Water Rabbit. 2023, was a year of fear and burrowing. 

No more hiding allowed in the year to come. You are being called to rise up, to fly in the face of ignorance and untruths. 

Dragons do not shirk. They take time to rest and hibernate but when it is time, they rear up and they fight. No apologies, no shame, they are not cowards,  They recognize truth, patterns of the universe, the call of the planets and they restore balance.

In Western European lore, dragons are represented as greedy, selfish, isolated creatures. Think of Smaug from J.R.R Tolkien’s book, The Hobbit. 

They eat the sacrificial virgin maiden, fodder to appease their insatiable appetite. Then the knight, a man in shining armor, drives a stake through the dragon’s heart, cuts off its head and impales it on a post. The reign of patriarchal rhetoric has no enlighten goals , sacrifice the maiden, the dragon and the knight all at once, for nothing. Even if the knight and the maiden survive they have killed the magical union within themselves, the one that holds the possibilities of transcendence. By slaying the dragon, they have divided Yin and Yang. 

New thoughts, the maiden is not bait, the man can never save her through war and aggression, the dragon does not have to die. We are the dragon now. The dragon is both the masculine and the feminine combined, it is all one energy, YIN/YANG. We must activate the Yang Feminine energy and  the Yin masculine and become a force, a movement of brave action.  

 In Eastern mythology, dragons are considered noble brave and lucky. Ancient and wise creatures, stubborn lovers of fine quality items and gifts of preciousness. They want the respect that they are due, no question, but they will fight with a fiery passion for what they love.

It is a time of fast and drastic change approaching. The polarities becomes more and more divided. The foundation that we take for granted will shift, climate patterns and social patterns undergo major upheaval. The resources that we depend on and take for granted require us to create a new relationship with them, one of respect and stewardship. 

You can chose what side you would like to be on.

You can start creating the internal and external structures that you want to see working in the world.

We will have to work together to deal with the wildly erratic movements that are coming down the pike, focus on health, wellness, education and evolution.

Everyone has a path. 

BE the dragon in 2024. Vote in the next election (local and National), take care of yourself, be real and nice to your classmates, your coworkers, your friends and family. Take positive risks, find out who you are and what you are made of. Convention is crumbling and a new frequency is coming through. 

The dragon is the mythical creature of delivery, the Yang Feminine energy of bringing something new into the world and the Yin Masculine energy of embracing change.

The Wood Dragon, a forceful push into the future. If we burrow, we will be toast. Move ahead, pay attention to the signs, make good choices, access your local community for support, love on, and use your best judgement.
It is going to be one heck of a ride. 

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