The Mother morphs the Father.

As easy as it is to understand the mother time of Earth, even the Yang mother is computable. It is that much more difficult to grok the time of Father that is Metal. 

The Father, the stern yet aloof ruler of the astrological houses. He rules with out being home a lot and his energy is wearied.  Metal is certainly not warm and embracing, it is rather cold, harsh and unbending. It is like connecting with a galaxy of stars. 

More precious than anything, the gold under the mountain, connected to Spirit, the Holy energy. Your Monk in the mountains that prayers and fasts connects to the Divine and shares the sparse enigma of doctrine to those who are worthy. The deliverance of these teachings are usually pointless, where the lesson and the answers are riddles that mean nothing to seeker. The point of the exercise was to plainly seek and to find what, yourself. 

Welcome to the time of Metal, all is dying around you and yet you will eventually become reborn. This is the season of Ghosts. Do you willingly go under ground and let yourself be compressed into something of such value that it justifies the means of such a painful process? Only some can.. Many will run from such propositions and hide away. Metal can make the knees quiver and the bowels unload prematurely, it can stilt the breath.

We are talking of the end, the death, and traditionally the grim keeper makes us nervous.

AS we head into this Metal season the time of ends is upon us, the finish lines are nearing. Water follows Metal and we will wait and incubate, because we will come alive again in the Spring.  We cycle again. 

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