Photograph credit: Katherine Nagy Sita Ram, Sita Ram, Sita Ram, Jaya Sita Ram सीता राम सीता राम सीता राम जय सीता राम Sita is the incarnation of Lakshmi, Goddess of abundance. She is the embodiment of love and virtue. Her husband Ram, is the incarnation of Vishnu, Lord of the universe. He was a living vessel of effused truth, compassion and bravery. Together they symbolize the union of the feminine and the masculine energies, the powerful partnership of intuition and action. Mantras are prayers, patterns of letters, words, sounds and breath, that consecrate intention into form. By chanting the songs repetitively, we evoke the sacred energies. We can use this tool to unify the separate sides of the self and to heal the violent divisions in our culture. The intertwined energies of Sita and Ram, balance the right and left sides of the human brain and regulate the parasympathetic and…
In the haze of sleep, swimming in the place between being awake and in a dream, a thought about healing hijacks my mind. In order to heal, we have to crack open. The vessel of self has to split and then the light can get in, begin the work of restoring harmony. The space that is created, the energy that comes flooding through to guide us towards what will support us in the process of recovery. This self-discovery is not only cyclical within linear time but it is also happening on multiple levels. I have found that if it can occur in a different part of the self rather then the mind it will be more effective. If it happens energetically or physically there is more movement. If it is just in the mind or psychologically then it will get stuck in the cogs of mental process and only get…
Photograph credit: Jason Stern A month ago I sub-letted my small office to a colleague. I have worked alone for a long time and wanted to change up the energy around here, and have another acupuncturist to talk shop with. I thought if I had a really good acupuncturist working in the office next to me, I would work a bit harder in my own room. It has certainly done exactly that, in ways that I could not have predicted. He easily fit right in and filled up his one day a week with clients. Has great energy and is bringing lots of new people through the office doors. What I did not count on was that in the few minutes conversations that we get to have tucked in between clients, I have had to see myself a little more honestly… My self-esteem gets challenged really easily. I am a…
I am no scholar of the Five elements or the Five spirits models of Chinese medicine. I have read about them and integrated them into my acupuncture practice. I remember when I was first trying to grasp Five element acupuncture, my teacher said that you have to recognize how the elements feel not just have an intellectual grasp on their qualities. I spent years after that sitting by fire and investigating how it felt or feeling the earth under my feet and noticing which senses it conjured up in me. I still practice these exercises. The longer that I work in this field, the more I understand that it is about seeing the truth, not just with my eyes, listening with my heart space and feeling deeply with my whole self. The healing process is about being alert, sensitive to subtle movements of energy, remaining grounded and being able to…
As we move through an era of great flux, we will find ourselves relying on an ancient energy for guidance. This relates to the healing and evolution of the human nervous system. Intuition is a tool that helps us connect with our origin and guide us to develop. Healing by way of reconnecting with the workings of our inner laboratory, and taking that energy out into the world. The intuitive energy is accessible to each individual. It is not a path, not a journey, it is a dynamic growth process. Points to consider: Emotions will be strong. There is chaos. Discipline is necessary. The dark is part of the transformation. The feelings in your heart space is a wise guide. There is abundant support. You may have to challenge yourself to believe in things that you do not believe in, the limitations of your intellectual mind might not serve you.…
The energy of mid-February brings our attention to the space in our upper chest, that houses the heart. Around the traditional time of Valentine’s day, a primal energy surfaces. Historically, many of the holidays that we celebrate were conceived within pagan traditions, and chosen specifically to mark seasonal shifts. The change that we experience around this time of year is that our attention is pulled upwards. The light is higher on the horizon and the days are longer. The sap starts to flow in the trees, representing the circulation in our bodies and the awakening from the Winter stillness. In human embryonic development, a space is created first where the heart will be formed. The undifferentiated cells come together as unit and begin to beat simultaneously all at once becoming an early structure of the the heart. The form undergoes many different stages of development until the final spiral organ…
Feminine and Masculine Consciousness, The Forgotten Connection Traveling along a haphazard path, a journey through books, articles, lectures, people’s opinions and personal experiences, a theme takes shape. The forgotten. Patterns and energies, deep inner knowing from many years ago, that has been buried, disembodied, manipulated. We know of its existence, we can still perceive a remnant of this energy but we can not concretely grasp it any longer. Our nervous systems still remembers but the front of our brains can not recall. When we try to recreate it intellectually we make a mockery of the original. The new version does not function correctly, rather it accentuates the modern fractured form. It is like we are missing something so obvious and we know it and we do not know what to do about it. The texts that explained the forgotten are lost or destroyed. The apprenticeship line that passed the material…
“You saved my Ass.” There are treatment protocols learned while in school that I never have the opportunity to try out in clinical practice. Because I need an actual patient to have that ailment at the time of treatment. A few weeks ago, I had such an opportunity. A regular patient of mine came into her appointment with a tailbone injury. She acquired this while sledding with her children less then a week prior. Symptoms included trouble sitting, pain upon transition from standing to sitting, pain while laying on her back and while twisting. There was some lower back pain. She had an adjustment from her Osteopath the day before and was preparing for the customary 6-8 week pain cycle of an injured tailbone. I got her on the table, eager to try a few points that I remember watching a teacher, way back in school needle once for a…
Normalizing Differences As I parent of a gender non-conforming child. I have spent the last eight years considering “difference” and how it is viewed in our North American culture. This is one of those issues that is as big a life, simultaneously as subtle and persuasive as it can get. Sometimes the obvious fractures in the culture get less attention, because no one knows what to do with them. It feels too overwhelming to take them on, so it is better to stay in a state of denial. Intellectual, Religious, Spiritual, and Artistic communities shed some light on the subject. If we try to address these topics in what would be, the real general public of America, we usually stall out. We do not really have the tools or the training to create and foster an inclusive social model. If we try to actualize this on a big scale it…
The meridians are channels of energy that move through the fascial network of the human body. The connect inside of the body to the outside world. The network formed communicates among itself on all different levels and processes all types of information, some that we are not actively aware. It is a living system, formed in-utero and of primordial origin. The acupuncture points are windows at which to interact with this web of energies. Spaces to transfer information and give directives to the somatic consciousness of the body. The healing process that unfolds as a result, is unique to each individual. It is reflected directly onto and within the life the envelopes us.