
Acupuncture Principles


In a recent dream, I torched my child hood bedroom by building a bonfire on the floor. I put the fire out just before it burned through the walls. When I looked over the room and the damage done, it was decimated, the ceiling was a sea of hanging shreds, the walls were husks, it was burnt to cinders. A part of myself has been incinerated. I am filled with rage. Conventional dreaming is dead, a desperate attempt at salvaging a corrupted patriarchal system. Old dreams, what I am specifically referring to, conventional dreams, those of the naive youth. The dreams conjured up in a child hood bedroom, those of marriage and children a future of “deserving” it all to work out well. A future of environmental and economic stability. All tainted with denial when I look back on it, a superficial training to make me docile and weak. …

“In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy. The moving of electrons allows living things to stay alive and healthy for as long as possible. The names may have changed- Prana, Orenda, Chi, Ruah, Pnuema- but the principle has remained the same.” Szent-Gyorgyi There are thousands of way to practice the moving of energy. This is something you can do anywhere even if it is just to breathe. I once heard a Witch say; when something bad is happening and you are about to spiral out, just take one moment to breath and to feel your body. The events ahead are inventible, so you might as well ground before proceeding. The moving of energy is not going to solve all health problems alone but they will certainly assist the quest towards balance. I find consistently that acupuncture works better and faster with…

Try this exercise: say this “I am precious and you are precious. I am precious, you are precious. We are all precious”. This is based off, Chogyam Trungpa’s concept of Basic Goodness, we were all born whole, with no marks to defect us. As we grow up here in this Western culture, they tell us we are defective, mostly because someone wants us to be weak, so that we are easier to control. They told us we were not precious because they want to make money off us. They wanted to abuse us and let us flatter their shallow egos. If we knew we were precious and could rely on our internal power and guiding principles, then we cannot be swayed easily. We would not be nearly as gullible. I know this as truth and yet I still can not totally surmount the hurdle of precious enough. I am a…

Huang Di “What do you mean by Shen, or Spirit?” Qi Bo “Shen is something that you will recognize in the patient’s eyes. But the true vision is through your own eyes. What you receive as messages, your heart will understand. You can then visualize the patient’s condition in your mind. You can intuitively know what the problem is. You do not have to depend on language.” Excerpt from -The Yellow Emperor’s classic of Medicine, The NeiJing Suwen. Maoshing Ni Ph.D Shen is a holographic representation of consciousness, the energy of living, it can be reflected in the smallest drop of water or in the entire ocean at the same moment in time. The Shen directs us on our life-path. Some might call this destiny, an extension of “the way” or what is called the Tao. If we get off our destined path and the Shen is not guiding our…

Immersed in an amazing text about trauma recovery by Ross Rosen. He is calling trauma, heart shock ( a term he borrowed from Chinese Medicine). This is a text written for practitioners, not the lay-studier. But I feel compelled to speak out and inform all interested parties, heart-sickness is something that most of us are suffering from. It is the root of so much of our mental illness. The more I research this topic, the more that I come to see that acupuncture and Chinese medicine were fundamentally designed to treat such imbalances. This is a very well kept secret, that I just ratted out. And a warning, it is Not a magic treatment that takes away all of your discomfort and pain, it requires plenty of your participation and lots of support. But even if a little health and balance are restored in the process, well that is amazing.…

I was interviewed on Kingston Radio by Yogi Shawn Harrison, it played on Sunday July 8. A fun talk about the five elements. The link is here: Happy Listening.

I am no scholar of the Five elements or the Five spirits models of Chinese medicine. I have read about them and integrated them into my acupuncture practice. I remember when I was first trying to grasp Five element acupuncture, my teacher said that you have to recognize how the elements feel not just have an intellectual grasp on their qualities. I spent years after that sitting by fire and investigating how it felt or feeling the earth under my feet and noticing which senses it conjured up in me. I still practice these exercises. The longer that I work in this field, the more I understand that it is about seeing the truth, not just with my eyes, listening with my heart space and feeling deeply with my whole self. The healing process is about being alert, sensitive to subtle movements of energy, remaining grounded and being able to…

As we move through an era of great flux, we will find ourselves relying on an ancient energy for guidance. This relates to the healing and evolution of the human nervous system. Intuition is a tool that helps us connect with our origin and guide us to develop. Healing by way of reconnecting with the workings of our inner laboratory, and taking that energy out into the world. The intuitive energy is accessible to each individual. It is not a path, not a journey, it is a dynamic growth process. Points to consider: Emotions will be strong. There is chaos. Discipline is necessary. The dark is part of the transformation. The feelings in your heart space is a wise guide. There is abundant support. You may have to challenge yourself to believe in things that you do not believe in, the limitations of your intellectual mind might not serve you.…