A female client in her late forties. Primary Symptoms: Left shoulder pain with tingling and numbness down arm into hand. Secondary Symptoms: Menopause, Left foot restless, Right and Left imbalance, Digestive disturbances. This client and I have worked together on and off since 2004. The most recent piece of work took place in a series of eight treatments from October 2011-January 2012. The First Visit: She mentioned having left shoulder pain and how it had become increasingly uncomfortable over the last few weeks. She had one chiropractic visit, which helped, but she felt that she needed more work. She explained how it hurt most while driving in the car to and from work. It was best during the day when she was using it. Her occupation requires a large amount of physical work, which we had to factor into the progress of the treatment. Additional information: Currently undergoing menopause, only…
Patient: Male in mid-forties. History: Emotional and physical trauma. Symptom: Acid Reflux This patient and I have been working together for a couple of years. The focus of treatment has spanned the gambit; neck and shoulder pain as well as a constant reorganizing and balancing of his psycho-emotional health. He concurrently works with a very good therapist. We often support aspects of his therapeutic work. It took this client and I sometime to build a relationship of trust, as this has happened, the work has become richer and more exact. Here is one specific example of how amazing internal changes can come from acupuncture treatment and an individual’s therapeutic process. Acid reflux was a symptom that this client had for a long time, It was not constant. The acid reflux did not seem to be related to what he ate and it did not get worse when he would lay…
Patient: Female, mid-twenties. Initial Symptoms: Allergies, body pain. We worked for roughly one year on allergies, which had improved significantly. She was still getting a histamine response to certain allergens but there was a lot less sneezing, runny nose, exhaustion. She was able to function much better and had a lot more resilience. Some of her body pain had resolved pretty quickly and some she had to work with strengthening exercises and modify her physical exercise regime. She was doing much better overall and happy with the treatments. It was a this time that we switched our focus to a different symptom, ravenous appetite , energy decrease, irritability, and mood changes at certain times in her longer than 28 day menstrual cycle. We had incorporated this new symptom into treatment and worked with it for a few months. There was some change but we were looking for more. I had…
Man in his late forties; started treatment six months prior. Purpose of treatment: alleviation of some aches and pains, and to assist in development and support of his desire to pursue the healing arts. The treatments had been very effective and he was rapidly moving forward. He had accomplished a great deal of course work and was setting up a business model, he was satisfied and confident. During our last visit, he told me that he had experienced a small set back. He had lost some of his motivation and direction, and he was feeling down. This occurred post-vacation and directly after the hurricane Irene had come through this area. I started by taking his pulses. I was thinking that he might be in need of a clearing treatment. However, I found quality in his pulse that indicated dampness. Because I had never felt this quality before in this patient’s…
If the Spirit is at peace, the heart is harmony; when the heart is in harmony, the body is whole, if the Spirit becomes aggravated the heart wavers, and when the heart wavers the body becomes injured; if one seeks to heal the physical body, therefore, one needs to regulate the Spirit first. – Liu Zhou 6th Century Philosopher, Translated by Heiner Fruehaff Ph.D , in his article “All Disease Comes from The Heart”. This blog series will consist of case studies that focus on healing the Spirit. All case studies are fact and from my personal practice. Names and details will be changed to protect privacy.
“Never put a needle in a patient until you’ve already done the treatment.” – Bob Duggan L.Ac My patient was a woman in her mid- thirties, mother of three , occupation care giver. She presented with symptoms of pain in the lower left abdomen, reoccurring vomiting and diarrhea, especially after eating. We worked with diet changes, supplement support and acupuncture which all helped. The turning point came the day that we had a discussion, regarding her place of work and how she wrestled with fitting in with her female colleagues. We explored, her feelings relating to female energy and how she has always felt more comfortable with masculine energy. We spoke of her Yin feminine side and her Yang feminine side and how they played a part in her life, a life devoted to the care of others with little nourishment for her-self. I needled the point Abundant Splendor and…
“The essence which is distilled from rotting and dead matter is the essence which the Metal element itself represents.” – J. R. Worsley Sometime around the middle of October, we wake up and notice a chill in the air. The leaves are half-way fallen from the trees and there is a deep melancholic feeling at the center of our chest. It is the arrival of the Metal Element. Red, orange, yellow, brown and indigo, a visual feast of color. The trees and plants drop their bounty, to be returned to the earth and to decompose, enriching the soil for next year’s growth. Letting go of the old and taking in the new is the mantra of Metal season. Metal season is a spiritual time where we are privleged to witness the transformation that occurs within the earth. Organic matter rots and turns into rich humus, essential for next year’s harvest.…
The word Winter translates into “time of water”. This season announces itself with frost on the car and a crunching sound underfoot. Then the freezing rain, sleet and snow come down from the clouds to cleanse the earth of debris left-over from Autumn. A clear cold stillness is ever-present as we proceed into the deepest and darkest months of the Water time. No movement on the surface of the land but underneath the frozen water there is a great deal of activity happening. Winter is time to replenish our reserves, by sleeping more and eating nourishing vegetables such as squash and dark leafy greens. Drink plenty of liquids and take in the quietness of this season. Key Words: Will, Flow, Cleanse, Endurance, Reserve, Ambition In Greek mythology: Hades, God of the underworld, separates Demeter, Goddess of the earth from her much loved daughter Persephone. He drags Persephone into the underworld…