


Jipala R. Kagan founded Transpersonal Acupuncture in 2004 and Jipala Acupuncture PLLC in 2024. She is a NYS licensed acupuncturist, NCCAOM diplomate, Pediatric certified (2022), teacher and writer. Her 20 year practice focuses on emotional wellbeing and healing, it is individualized care for the motivated patient. She treats acute and chronic pain patterns, trauma and most internal symptoms. Jipala R. Kagan has written for a number of local publications and has released two books, Transelemental Medicine in 2022 and Living Arrows, Living in Aligned Stewardship in 2023. She is currently in a Chinese Herbal mentorship. She is raising two children. Please visit her website @ for more information.

As many of you know, Spring, is the season of awakening. The world comes alive again after a nice long slumber. We have the bright majestic flowers with their vibrant greens and exciting colors. We have the birds, singing songs, making their nests, hunting for their grub, a flurry of activity. We have the buds on the trees, the grass in the field. The animals are out and about procreating, hunting up food to fatten themselves after a lean Winter. There is a “twitterpation” vibe in the air. The insects are returning to life and we emerge out of hibernation, just like that. It can be a time of change, there is a lot of movement in the Cosmos. We are embracing the forces that stir in the great atmosphere. They are pulling us into the vortex, the unknown, we go around and around and we are going to pop…

I recently took a much needed respite from working in the office. It took awhile (like three weeks) to actually calm my nervous system, tomorrow I return and feel sort of slightly ready. I had two wonderfully fun opportunities while I was out of the office. One was a lovely interview on the Black Meta Show with Kingston Radio. Freedom Walker and Beetle Bailey were exceptional hosts, and we dished about health, healing and acupuncture. You can find that show dated August 1, 2023 on the Kingston Radio website. I also taught a Five Element and Human Design class to the YMCA farm crew last week. It was a delight. Those kids rock. We had so much fun talking Five Elements and Human Design, preparing teens with wonderful self- knowledge tools as they make their way in the world. I think it was a success. In other news, my website…