


“I’ve been seeing Jipala religiously for some years now. At first it was about aches and pains and now those inevitable byproducts of life are but a footnote to my regular sessions. Jipala has taken the time to get to know the real me, he who lives behind the mask, and that’s who she treats and helps walk the path of life. Jipala, the gratitude I feel for you is boundless.” J.S

“I have been seeing Jipala for menopausal symptoms including hot flashes,night sweats irritability, brain fog and dry eyes. All my symptoms have steadily improved or vanished under her care. In particular, her treatment during an intense period of hot flashes felt miraculous and I am so grateful they are gone. Each session is relaxing and I always sleep deeply after a session. Jipala listens and I have found that having a healer listen with empathy has helped me care for myself and make improvements in my lifestyle during this important threshold.” C.M

“I started seeing Jipala because I knew that the root of my physical ailments had an emotional, even spiritual root to them. I had many issue, Hypothyroidism, weight gain, palpitations, shortness of breath, sleeplessness, no energy, restless leg syndrome and more. I was feeling betrayed by my body. Jipala was a patient, intuitive and gentle guide. The healing doesn’t happen all at once, it’s more like a spiral healing. But over time you start to feel a difference. The old wounds don’t hurt so much or interfere with your life as much. You feel lighter, you are able to see and feel the world with clearer vision and a pure heart. I found I noticed things, as if I was seeing them for the first time. My temperament was more even, I wasn’t so reactionary, my physical ailments slowly started diminishing. Jipala works with great integrity and authenticity. She is…

“Acupuncture was the missing piece of my recovery from binge eating disorder. I had the intellectual piece down and I understood and was aware of my patterns. I was working on the emotional piece in therapy, but still felt stuck. Although I was new to acupuncture and didn’t understand how it worked, I felt a difference after my very first appointment. I understood intellectually how to break my patterns, but it felt too hard and too much like a battle. Jipala’s work shifted my energy and allowed me to soften and be gentle with myself. I was slowly changing and could feel a distinct difference. It was unlike any other method I had tried before. Although our main focus was healing binge eating disorder and related anxiety, Jipala helped with many other issues such as irregular periods and high blood sugar caused by PCOS, sinuses, the common cold, plantar fasciitis,…

“You saved my Ass.” There are treatment protocols learned while in school that I never have the opportunity to try out in clinical practice. Because I need an actual patient to have that ailment at the time of treatment. A few weeks ago, I had such an opportunity. A regular patient of mine came into her appointment with a tailbone injury. She acquired this while sledding with her children less then a week prior. Symptoms included trouble sitting, pain upon transition from standing to sitting, pain while laying on her back and while twisting. There was some lower back pain. She had an adjustment from her Osteopath the day before and was preparing for the customary 6-8 week pain cycle of an injured tailbone. I got her on the table, eager to try a few points that I remember watching a teacher, way back in school needle once for a…

“Working with Jipala Kagan for over ten years has been and continues to be transformative. Jipala is a gifted practitioner and her treatments and insight have allowed me to become a more whole hearted, compassionate and resilient human being. Her wisdom had allowed me to recognize the effect that early trauma has played in my life and her acupuncture treatments help integrate new healthier responses to environmental triggers. I am deeply grateful for her presence in my life.” A.D

Jipala Kagan is a masterful healer. This is because her work is directed towards the whole person. Her acupuncture treatments address progressive levels or layers of being– acute physical symptoms, chronic imbalances, and the deeper, subtler level of the soul. My experience is that, over time, she strives to see the inner being of her patient, and through tacit energetic tuning, coaxes that subtle body towards a state of attunement allowing vitality to flow more fully into all the areas and activities of life.    J.S