Water Dreams:

Any type of Water in the dream, dreams with fear themes, prophetic dreams. Dreams about teeth, especially teeth falling out, dreams about bones. Dreams about swimming or taking a bath. Dreams with a fear overtone.

Wood Dreams:

Dreams about appointments or dates, missing the planned appointment or not having what is needed, for example going to the wrong gate in the airport or not having luggage. Getting to class and not having homework or not being prepared. Dreams about making things happen, having visions and “seeing what will happen (Hun). Activism or political dreams. Dreams of anger, frustration, irritability or resistance.

Fire Dreams:

Love and intimacy of any type, romantic or sensual. Connections with friends, family, strangers, animals. Dreams about fire itself or a spark. Dreams about flowers blooming, bees buzzing, the hot Summer time. Dreams of anticipation of something exciting about to happen. Dreams of the sun. Dreams about falling in love or loosing love.

Earth Dreams:

Dreams of eating, cooking, or gardening. Dreams of pregnancy and birth, breast feeding. Dreams about mothers, mothering, the Divine mother. Dreams about earthquakes, quicksand, mud, swamps, being underground. Dreams of worry, perseveration, and sympathy.

Metal Dreams:

Dreams about ghosts of any kind. Dreams about people that have passed on, or dreams of death. Dreams of accidents, dreams of light and space.  Dreams of the spirit, soul or God (in any form). Dreams of oneness.  Sometimes dreams of other worlds or animals.  Dreams about fathers or patriarchy. Dreams of loss, sorrow, grief, sadness, and letting go. 

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