Jipala R. Kagan founded Transpersonal Acupuncture in 2004 and Jipala Acupuncture PLLC in 2024. She is a NYS licensed acupuncturist, NCCAOM diplomate, Pediatric certified (2022), teacher and writer. Her 20 year practice focuses on emotional wellbeing and healing, it is individualized care for the motivated patient. She treats acute and chronic pain patterns, trauma and most internal symptoms. Jipala R. Kagan has written for a number of local publications and has released two books, Transelemental Medicine in 2022 and Living Arrows, Living in Aligned Stewardship in 2023. She is currently in a Chinese Herbal mentorship. She is raising two children. Please visit her website @ www.jipalakagan.com for more information.

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