
Patterns of Living


The Six Steps of Focusing Eugene T. Gendlin PH.D 1- Clear the Space 2- The Felt Sense 3- Finding a Handle 4- Resonating 5- Asking 6- Receiving What the heck does this mean? Let’s do some decoding. First take a few breaths and feel your feet on the ground. Get comfortable, is there anything that will make your body happier? Do you have to get a drink of water, a snack? Maybe visit the restroom? Bring your attention inside yourself and feel your body. Where does it begin and where does it end? Scan your insides? Maybe there is a lot going on, it may feel chaotic or you may feel numb. No Judgements, just take stock of the overall feeling of everything. You may want to start clearing a space for yourself by either stacking the worries and moving them to the sides of your inner laboratory. If you…

A year into the acknowledged COVID pandemic in the USA. And I am going batty… It not even all of the bigger in your face things, like the five times we have had to quarantine in a year but all of the small things. I haven’t been able to relax at a friend’s kitchen table with a cup of tea in soooo long. Sleepovers are a thing of the past. I miss letting down with a friend or heck friends (plural), just being allowed to have some fun. In the last twelve months, there was always a monster lurking over head and in the corners. I am constantly thinking through every decision, “is it safe?”, “am I being responsible?” I am throughly exhausted and simultaneously over stimulated. There are plenty of silver linings. The pace has been slowed down, I do not have to drive my kids around as much,…

This Tide Will Recede As the cold bright stillness of Winter settles upon us and the new year looms on the horizon. 2021, many people are hanging their hats on this coming year being better than the much despised current one. As we putter out of 2020 on the last dregs of fumes in our tank, I check inside and feel, I am confident that this coming year will be brighter than the last. It will not be business as usual, back to the grind of ignorance and consumption. No, we are in for twelve months plus of repair and resilience training, re-patterning the collective nervous system . The hard-work of making change stick and not just slipping back into the old patterns that have sustained disease for the last two centuries. I recognize the renewal of an energy, that has been absent. I have craved this energy my whole…

Only the wounded heal, but wounds don’t heal the way you want them to, they heal the way they need to. What is being wounded? What is being healed? The Wounded healer is the person who has gone through suffering, sometimes great, and as a result of that process has become a source of great wisdom, healing power and inspiration for others. In fact, the archetypal wounded healer undergoes a transformation as a result of their wound, their suffering and pain. They can actually transcend it, and successfully lead themselves to a path of service. Ion Miller

Charles Eisenstein spoke at Naropa University for the 2019 John and Bayard Cobb Peace Lecture Presentation.. This is a snippet of the talk. “Today the dominant narrative, whether we recognize it or not , is a war narrative, not only on the obvious level of U.S foreign policy, identifying enemies around the world and bombing them, but also in our basic understanding of how the world works and how to solve problems. War thinking permeates the public psyche. To build a peace narrative, we need to identify the existing war narrative.” He went on to discuss the tendency for nature to be inherently chaotic and have intelligent organization simultaneously. And (paraphrasing here) that we will need to have a lot of genuine compassion not idiot compassion, really walk in another person’s shoes, and sacrifice our righteous identity for us to see some healing and growth out of the polarization that…

“It’s what happens when you don’t hide from suffering…when you keep your heart open in hell. Hell is still hell, but you know that as hard as it may be, being in hell with your heart closed is really HELL..and the nature of us all is that eventually, our hearts open.” ️Michael Maruti Projansky.  This sentiment captures something, explains the space in-between that good transcendent feeling and the horrible feeling of being crushed by darkness.  I just heard Michael speak and boy was he vibrating from this space, it was honestly palpable. Transmitted through the audience, gives me shivers. #heartopen #trancendence  #innerfreedom #suffering #maharaji