


As we have gone deeper into the Wood season, all the signs are here, trees in bloom, flowers, rain, pollen, wonky weather patterns, birds, new growth, sun, worms, and revived energy. Yay. We can get started on projects, expand on our creative ideas, problem solve, clean out the closets and the garage. It feels pretty good to most of us. We waited in incubated stillness through the six cold months of Winter for this moment to strike and expand. Exhale, a relief. The thing to remember right now is flexibility and flow. Letting the energy move with out holding it back or controlling it too much. It has an inherent knowledge and knows what to do. Trust.

“Menopause is an invitation to confront dis-integration and death while there is still time to live. It is true initiation, a doorway through death to a new phase of life. Fear of natural menopause, fear of the Crone, translates into dread of death. Through bodily experiences of Yang femininity, in both menopause and menstruation, women and men who relate sensitivity to them, have opportunities to encounter the dark death side of the Divine.” Genia Pauli Hadden

Response to the NYT Article: Women have been misled about Menopause, Susan Dominus 2/5/23 It is Sunday morning and I just read the above article, after three clients mentioned it to me yesterday. They thought I would be interested in reviewing it, I was! I am besides my self with rage, I am livid, I could climb the walls. Yesterday, I went on a 20 minute verbal rant on how woman are treated in this medical climate, Malpractice was the word used to sum it up. This article in the NY Times is akin to putting a bees nest in a box, shaking it and letting the bees out to sting randomly and in confusion and then die alone for no good reason. The article discusses Menopause, by dangling a carrot of “easy’ treatment in front of woman’s faces and then slamming a door on their fingers, circling them back…

A Yin Year of burrowing into the depth. A year to socialize with close friends and tend to valuable relationships. I could not help think of the story,  Watership Down, by Richard Adams. Not exactly a Yin story of going inward , experiencing alchemical  transformation. A Yang , gory adventure of finding freedom in a world fraught with danger. Yet it was about Rabbitssss, I learned a lot about rabbits from that story, some was even accurate. It was about trusting their inner guts being brave and taking risks, knowing when to move into the unknown . I am always guilty of seeing connections in everything and I see it here. Trusting your loved ones moving ahead into new stages, the year of the Water Rabbitissss. Next year is the year of the Water Dragon and everything is going to explode in a Yang fashion. So rest my pretties in this year,…

New Year’s resolution time. NOT interested , setting up arbitrary improvements to waste my limited time and energy. But after discussing resolutions with a number of people, I decided that it would be fun to talk about what would be of value in the coming 12 months. What do you want to direct your time and energy towards? You can take a moment to reflect on this question. My list looks something like this: Sleep Walk Human Design Hang out with my pets Seeing some new places Spend time with loved ones Write Drink tea Stretch Meditate I do not have to do everything on this list everyday but I would live to weave the intention of this list into the next year. That feels nice and relaxing. This is an experiment in healing. Happy New Year ALL.–

It is Water season, or in other words, Winter. The weather is colder, the days shorter and light is waning. We head inwards, both physically and metaphorically. It is the time for gestation, incubating in the dark, where we bide our time and make ready to experience a rebirth in the Spring.

Another person cannot feel my pain and I do not know how they feel inside. I may have an intellectual understanding of “what they are going through” but I imagine it would fall short of their personal experience. We leave a lot up to the mind, to mental interpretation of how things are supposed to be. Kind of funny, if you think about it, you sit across from someone and you connect to them from your mind not really from your heart. The mind feels safer. This goes both ways of course, they can not understand me and I can not understand them. So how do we communicate? I think with a lot of room for interpretation and space built in, really, I do not know what is happening for them. Let me hold the space and see. I will never understand exactly but I can see them. I can surrender…

It is official, I have written a book. It is illustrated by the talented Annie Dwyer. We are pleased to inform you that it is for sale. You can email me at or DM me on Instagram @transpersonal_acupuncture for your very own copy or purchase it for a family member and a good friend. It is fun, personal, easy to consume and thought provoking, there is nothing like it out there. A graphic novel that tackles the issues of health and wellbeing in our culture at large. The blurb on the back. Let’s take a nano-journey into the mystic realm of the Five Elements and Chinese medical patterns. If you are wondering why you are the way you are or why you do the things you do- or how to be even more you- I invite you to look at this zine. Come and explore patterns that have existed…

“If you can not be radical then you will never make it.” Ra Uru Hu This is the kind of statement that I would traditionally gravitate towards. I have been keeping quote books since I was 16 , there are probably about 25 quotes recorded with this sentiment in mind. Please give me information, in all forms, what is the next far- out theory? I have a love affair with the idea of radicalness. The extremes are seductive to some and dangerous to others. I believe in both fear and courage. In many traditions, radicalness is living from the self, I feel at home here. The exploration for most of us is to find that out, living from that place, that place of home-self. I spent a large chunk of time studying the Five elements in Chinese medicine to locate the self and how to put that out in the…

Absolute compassion is seeing the situation as it is, directly and thoroughly. If you have to be tough, you just do it. In other words, idiot compassion contains a sort of opium—constantly trying to be good and kind—and absolute compassion is more literal, more discriminating, and more definite. You are willing to hurt somebody, even though you do not want to hurt that person; but in order to wake that person up, you might have to hurt him or her, you might have to inflict pain. The need for reassurance has only one eye.  Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche