Photo credit: Katherine Nagy
The Five elements make up an ancient diagnostic method that supports the harmony among Heaven, People and the Earth. Energy is the language, the vehicle of communication amidst all parties. Energy is in constant motion, remember that an atom (the smallest unit of matter comprising all elements) can be seen as a particle and a wave. The core tenet of Chinese medicine is to support the transformation and transportation of energy within the body and in relation to the surrounding environment. This doesn’t always represent a positive constructive cycle, it can be a negative cycle such as negentropy. But the key is, that things are moving, even if compost is deconstructing into dirt or an animal is digesting another animal. Otherwise, there is stasis which is represented by sickness or possibly death. Death can just be part of the ever rotating cycles.
So the question is how does Five elemental diagnosis help us stay in balance, within ourselves, within the external environment and with the extended community? The five elements are naturally balanced, they make up a cycle of never-ending transformation and transportation; representing the harmony of nature, of Yin and Yang and of the Tao. If there is sickness in the cycle, the rest of the elements will try to compensate for the imbalance. There is almost always room for healing, even if that healing is death and that type of transformation of energy. Any type of energy takes energy to transform it. I think at this point, it is wise to consider that as long as the energy is moving then that is healthy, and not to make a judgement on how that energy is moving or even where it is moving. I think there is something about honoring the innate flux of the energies and their authentic nature as well as their innate healing abilities. It might be best to honor these energies, and to lend attention and support to them but let them lead the way. If we think we can control this cycle, then we will be proved wrong. There will always be forces that are stronger than our will to control things. Also keep in mind that this is a timeless cycle and will go on way beyond our life span. We just get to interact with it at this time and that is pretty amazing in itself.
Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood
It think of them as five friendly and fierce energies that are constantly playing with each other. A jumble and tumble of movement, if you can interpret the energy and get a read on where you need to put some extra attention, the whole puzzle will fall together and streamline the movement in a fruitful way. Again it may not be exactly the way that you have hoped to have things go. The more I consider this the more I think that the problem we humans suffer from is investing too much in the concept of how things are supposed to be. We neglect the obvious truth, that things are not that way. The Five elements are just one living metaphor to remind us how nature and the greater environment functions.
So how can you use this to support you?
A meditation on the elements.
Fire- Lively, comforting, unpredictable
Earth- Embodied, strong, containing
Metal- Striking, focused, spiritual
Water- Powerful, fathomless, deep
Wood- Directed, moving, flexible
When I sit with Fire, I feel that it is warm and lively.
When I sit with Earth, I feel strong and stable.
When I sit with Metal, I feel precious and powerful
When I sit with Water, I feel willful and brave.

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