As many of you know, Spring, is the season of awakening. The world comes alive again after a nice long slumber. We have the bright majestic flowers with their vibrant greens and exciting colors. We have the birds, singing songs, making their nests, hunting for their grub, a flurry of activity. We have the buds on the trees, the grass in the field. The animals are out and about procreating, hunting up food to fatten themselves after a lean Winter. There is a “twitterpation” vibe in the air. The insects are returning to life and we emerge out of hibernation, just like that. It can be a time of change, there is a lot of movement in the Cosmos. We are embracing the forces that stir in the great atmosphere. They are pulling us into the vortex, the unknown, we go around and around and we are going to pop…
Hey! Hey! Hey! On February 10, the Chinese New Year 2024 begins. The Year of the YANG Wood Dragon. A lively year of intense growth, some fieriness and a tad bit of luck. The Dragons are on their way to meet in the mysterious cave under the Kunlun mountains. They convene every 12 years to discuss matters of cosmic concern.They travel from all corners of the globe, leaving their secret habitats, flying only at night. It is the year 2024, a significant one. The planets have shifted and we are entering a new age. The dragons have much to discuss and loads of strategizing to accomplish in just one evening. It is the duo- decennial gathering of the dragons. We have a fierce year ahead, one that follows the YIN year of the Water Rabbit. 2023, was a year of fear and burrowing. No more hiding allowed in the year…
Living in Aligned Stewardship By Jipala Kagan Illustrated by Anne Dwyer Available @ HalfMoon Books, Worlds End Comics, Rough Draft (check on the shelf in the corner, pls someone rescue this book from obsolescence). Kingston, NY This Book! Let me tell you was no small fete. It was a slog to get it out into print. I think it maybe poor timing, coming out just days before Christmas, no one is in the mood to shop in January. I had multiple impulses to shelf the project, but it prevailed and if you read the book you may see why. It is worth the work, a couple years of incubating and researching the information, writing it was easy, and getting it into form well that was a delivery process. I think it might be hard to read, the information is tough and threatening in some ways. I am holding on to…
In the New Year. 2024. May it be so, may we at least be on our way towards some harmony in the world.
It is so dark out these days, it feels as if we are under a blanket. Even in the early afternoon, the sun is threatening to leave us behind and go somewhere more pleasant. This is that Season. The Silly Season as one of my client’s grandfathers would call it. WE are so busy running around shopping, cooking, cleaning and working. Have the festive spirit for the holidays. Muster up the joy and dig into the credit cards to buy those gifts. I sometimes like to stop and ground the energy in my body and just appreciate the cold, the dark the many things to do. I think “oh yah this is what happens this time of year”. And it goes so fast, this season, before I know it will be the New Year. I love the lights. The candles, the stars, the lights on the trees, the lights on…
Three sightings of the #46 on houses in a row. Four big black birds in the leafless tree, waiting for something. Five women with December birthdays in a car, snaking their way up the mountain to an artist house. A flower fire ceremony there. Last Thursday I had a dream about A, she was in a field young and pretty with glossy black haired, a beautiful smile. She told me she was Free. She died last month. Maybe these omens indicate the end of something, like a cycle and then there will hopefully be the beginning of something else. In my mind I can not fathom how that is possible, we seem to be running ourselves into the ground as a country and everything is fractured. All I see is people not knowing themselves, making selfish decisions that support their fears and their belief that they deserve more than someone…
You can spend a lifetime saving lives and it is all destroyed in a minute. It weighs heavy on the heart, prayers to those that are suffering the unspeakable at this time.
The pulses of IG and the trend of the narcissist/codependent recovery conversation continues to run rampant, everyone is an expert. The blameless victim, gets discussed quite a bit. I think it is a fitting conversation because codependency and narcissism to some extent are Earth time conversations. Earth types are often codependent in nature, giving up too much energy to nurture and please others, not getting nourished enough. A narcissist is probably more of a metal wood conversation but could be found in any element. Co-dependents can also be found in any element, there is no one prescription. Ahhh we are discussing the Victim. So not to get distracted. Both parties claim they are the victim, a funny coincidence. But really it is just to get out of taking responsibility for their own actions, a lack of accountability. The codependent and the narcissist are making basically the same choices, choosing to…
There are two different expressions of Shen in Chinese Medical philosophy. Little Shen and Big Shen. Little Shen is the space within our Hearts, that Our Spirit nestles within. This space is created at the moment of our conception when the Jing forces of the sperm and ovum merge. There is a spark of light, a conversion of energy, as a union occurs, a space is opened and the Spirit migrates from the stars. The star dust fills the void and settles in for a journey of a Human existence, a life. Cells begin to divide instantly and the beginning of a pre-determined path get’s underway, many choices, many twists and turns many options to come. Big Shen is all of the Spirits that provide the self with consciousness and access to great awareness. There are Five (Shen, Hun, Yi, Po, Zhi) they assist us in living out our predetermined…
I recently took a much needed respite from working in the office. It took awhile (like three weeks) to actually calm my nervous system, tomorrow I return and feel sort of slightly ready. I had two wonderfully fun opportunities while I was out of the office. One was a lovely interview on the Black Meta Show with Kingston Radio. Freedom Walker and Beetle Bailey were exceptional hosts, and we dished about health, healing and acupuncture. You can find that show dated August 1, 2023 on the Kingston Radio website. I also taught a Five Element and Human Design class to the YMCA farm crew last week. It was a delight. Those kids rock. We had so much fun talking Five Elements and Human Design, preparing teens with wonderful self- knowledge tools as they make their way in the world. I think it was a success. In other news, my website…