Three sightings of the #46 on houses in a row.

Four big black birds in the leafless tree, waiting for something.

Five women with December birthdays in a car, snaking their way up the mountain to an artist house. A flower fire ceremony there.

Last Thursday I had a dream about A, she was in a field young and pretty with glossy black haired, a beautiful smile. She told me she was Free.

She died last month.

Maybe these omens indicate the end of something, like a cycle and then there will hopefully be the beginning of something else.  In my mind I can not fathom how that is possible, we seem to be running ourselves into the ground as a country and everything is fractured.

All I see is people not knowing themselves, making selfish decisions that support their fears and their belief that they deserve more than someone else and that they are better.

We have not evolved at all in hundreds of years.

We are still willing to put someone down for our own fragile ego. 

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