Another person cannot feel my pain and I do not know how they feel inside. I may have an intellectual understanding of “what they are going through” but I imagine it would fall short of their personal experience. We leave a lot up to the mind, to mental interpretation of how things are supposed to be. Kind of funny, if you think about it, you sit across from someone and you connect to them from your mind not really from your heart. The mind feels safer.

This goes both ways of course, they can not understand me and I can not understand them. So how do we communicate? I think with a lot of room for interpretation and space built in,  really, I do not know what is happening for them. Let me hold the space and see. I will never understand exactly but I can see them. I can surrender my judgments of how I think that it will be done best. I can give up my hope that It will be done the way that I think works, I do not have any control anyway. The more that I exert control, the more I will lose control. The more that I trust the person, the more they can learn to navigate and be free. 

They are free and so am I. It is an experiment.

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