For Detachment’s Sake

An age old question, do people change over the course of their life time or not, some heavy material to suss out. The burden of consiousness develpoment is all yours to tinker with. There are plenty of resources to stick your nose in and people to question but in the end, it is comes down to you and You. Are you brave enough? To let your own ego identity break down and to come to the humble conclusion, that you do not even matter very much on this planet.

It was never really about you, your family, your possesions, your stories and your career or anything like that. It is about something much greater. It is about the connection amongst you and other living things, that is what is important. That connection is what motivates incrimental movements of change within your personalilty. Love is probably the only catalyst that actually supports genuine personal development. If things are too comfortable, we won’t weather the discomfort of being made maluable like clay. If we have to contend with the matters of own survival everyday, we don’t have the luxery of thinking about these existential ideas.

Love prompts us to tolerate the sanding down of our identity. There is no great mystery to it all and no hierarchy that reigns over us. We are here. Here to connect and to live. We are designed to grow, to learn, to feel, to be. There is no one way to exist or to act. Connection is accesable to all.

The things that are being said here could be a pile of gibberish. There is no judgement or criticism of other or self. There is the pleasent detachment of living, connecting to other, and doing good work in the world. A whole lot of living and suffering that incurs small bursts of trancendence. Transmutation is a slow and steady affair, relished in increments.

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