For me, this entire year has been an exercise in getting through the door. A metaphysical portal of sorts, it would be the door labled acceptance. There is a lot of me saying to myself “it is Okay, everything is Okay”.
I have been practicing for a long time but was not quite able to make the leap prior to the presidential election of 2024. It took a combination of unrelenting hard events, research, steel like inner perseverance and wild abandoned risk taking to cross the threshold.
I think I might change my mind and go back the way I came, this place echos in hollowed space, off quiet walls.
I was introduced to Human Design about three years ago by a dear friend, this body of investigation has given me some overall confidence and encouragement . It helped me understand why I often do not feel in sync with the energy around me and that it is my nature to go forward even when no one agrees with my choices.
Okay, so here I go..
Through the looking glass to the other side, where it is the same Universe but slighty askew.
This is the place where we do not believe that the people in charge have your best interest in mind. They do not want to support your health and wellbeing, they are not thinking of the future of the environment. They are not interested in protecting women’s health or making sure that your descendants have a planet to live on.
They and I mean “they” , the people at the top of the decision making chain, in the States just want wealth and power for themselves.
Now you may want it to be easier again or “to go back to normal” the way it was, but it will never happen. We need to move ahead and see the truth, the stark desperation as it is.
It is time to start making changes on a local level, in your house, your community, on the street, at your place of work.
Where can you plan ahead? Not from a place of fear, antagonism or a poor “why me” place.
Just a practical and steady planning ahead for the impending changes that are coming in our economy, energy production, health, environment, food and supply chain efficiencies etc.
If you are a young human then please put even more thought into this and start the conversations with people that have skill sets that are of use in community living. Please start learning and inquiring with curiosity.
This is where the old myths crumble and they are reborn to be reflective of the world that is and will be here. Not the one that we made up so that we could consume and lie to ourselves.
I know that you do not like this and you want to push it away. But please consider and make some small changes and see what happens.
Happiest New Year, it is a beginning and it is an end.
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