“If you can not be radical then you will never make it.” Ra Uru Hu

This is the kind of statement that I would traditionally gravitate towards. I have been keeping quote books since I was 16 , there are probably about 25 quotes recorded with this sentiment in mind. 

Please give me information, in all forms, what is the next far- out theory?  I have a love affair with the idea of radicalness. The extremes are seductive to some and dangerous to others. I believe in both fear and courage.  In many traditions, radicalness is living from the self, I feel at home here. 

The exploration for most of us is to find that out, living from that place, that place of home-self. I spent a large chunk of time studying the Five elements in Chinese medicine to locate the self and how to put that out in the world. Buddhism says there is no self. Many other traditions are talking about the little self and the big Self.  Who cares anymore, they are all tools and patterns. But you know who you are and if you don’t know, find that first.  

Find your own self and learn about you and then operate from there. Not in a selfish way, it is easy to let the ego dominate and get into a grove of ego masturbation. No I think this place is hard and uncomfortable because your self truth might be offensive to others. Ra Uru Hu talks about the many hidden talents of people, which we never see because we are all conditioned into the sameness with each other.  Sameness everywhere, you are judged on how same you can be and that is a good thing to be the same.

This produces a lot of broken people however, broken people that have talent to give the world.  Talent that we will never see, ideas that will not get born, innovation that we won’t be able to participate in and our culture can become a self fulfilling prophecy. No, I do not want that. 

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