A Yin Year of burrowing into the depth. A year to socialize with close friends and tend to valuable relationships. I could not help think of the story,  Watership Down, by Richard Adams. Not exactly a Yin story of going inward , experiencing alchemical  transformation. A Yang , gory adventure of finding freedom in a world fraught with danger. Yet it was about Rabbitssss, I learned a lot about rabbits from that story, some was even accurate. It was about trusting their inner guts being brave and taking risks, knowing when to move into the unknown . I am always guilty of seeing connections in everything and I see it here. Trusting your loved ones moving ahead into new stages, the year of the Water Rabbitissss. Next year is the year of the Water Dragon and everything is going to explode in a Yang fashion. So rest my pretties in this year, one that bodes better than the last two years. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🐇🐰🐉🐲💦💧

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