Based on Stephen Karpman’s work 1972 The diagram of the drama triangle is a pictogram that represents the history of a post war industrial society, the focus at the time was on progress. These technological, medical, agricultural, social advancements came at a great cost to human rights and decent environmental practices. This was acceptable at the time because the quality of living for the Westerner, was greatly enhanced. Currently, however, there is more at stake and these old patterns need to be re-examined. The drama triangle is the story of codependency, narcissism and addiction, roles that are forced onto us from the over culture because we are not able to grasp the arc of human dynamics and interpersonal relationship. There is no space, not a lot of room to evolve and to shed old patterns. We are burdened by generations of un-healed trauma in our family lines. There are but…
“Postural tone is the foundation of our resting state and our readiness to engage in life.” Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen 2022 Just beginning an online course with Bonnie on muscles, and very much looking forward to learning a thing or two about embodied movement and muscular diversity. As I descend again into another round of trauma recovery work, I find myself revisiting old patterns and constructs. I am looking at the same internal space with eyes, a little less clouded. I am making more connections and having the courage to rearrange the floor plan, crack open some doors, possibly open a window or two. In relationship to my terrible posture, I am discovering that the art of correcting it, lies in not one or two linear movements, but possibly twenty or so, connected subtle shifts, all the way from my pelvic floor to my jaw and the top of my mouth. …
“In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy. The moving of electrons allows living things to stay alive and healthy for as long as possible. The names may have changed- Prana, Orenda, Chi, Ruah, Pnuema- but the principle has remained the same.” Szent-Gyorgyi There are thousands of way to practice the moving of energy. This is something you can do anywhere even if it is just to breathe. I once heard a Witch say; when something bad is happening and you are about to spiral out, just take one moment to breath and to feel your body. The events ahead are inventible, so you might as well ground before proceeding. The moving of energy is not going to solve all health problems alone but they will certainly assist the quest towards balance. I find consistently that acupuncture works better and faster with…
Three ways to become immortal: 1 – Offspring. 2- Create Something. 3- Spiritual Development.
A year into the acknowledged COVID pandemic in the USA. And I am going batty… It not even all of the bigger in your face things, like the five times we have had to quarantine in a year but all of the small things. I haven’t been able to relax at a friend’s kitchen table with a cup of tea in soooo long. Sleepovers are a thing of the past. I miss letting down with a friend or heck friends (plural), just being allowed to have some fun. In the last twelve months, there was always a monster lurking over head and in the corners. I am constantly thinking through every decision, “is it safe?”, “am I being responsible?” I am throughly exhausted and simultaneously over stimulated. There are plenty of silver linings. The pace has been slowed down, I do not have to drive my kids around as much,…
Water Wood Fire Earth Metal These five archetypical agents influence our perceptions of the world. They help us see pathways and direct us to rediscover our core natures, our pre-ordained destiny. Collectively, the elements teach us agency and design. They have accompanied human evolution for thousands of years. Five colossal energies that assist, in the re-patterning of our neuropathways and the healing of trauma. Nature is the ultimate teacher. The five elements are systems, voices, images, sounds, and olfactory sensations. Together they offer us a salient way to use our inner laboratories of consciousness and effect change, promote resilience and embodiment . The five elements, natural forces that make up a powerful energy. They live within us and surround us, constructing a web of life. We can simplify the extraordinary, invite the elements to help us sort the clutter, and get to the root. It does not matter if the…
Water Dreams: Any type of Water in the dream, dreams with fear themes, prophetic dreams. Dreams about teeth, especially teeth falling out, dreams about bones. Dreams about swimming or taking a bath. Dreams with a fear overtone. Wood Dreams: Dreams about appointments or dates, missing the planned appointment or not having what is needed, for example going to the wrong gate in the airport or not having luggage. Getting to class and not having homework or not being prepared. Dreams about making things happen, having visions and “seeing what will happen (Hun). Activism or political dreams. Dreams of anger, frustration, irritability or resistance. Fire Dreams: Love and intimacy of any type, romantic or sensual. Connections with friends, family, strangers, animals. Dreams about fire itself or a spark. Dreams about flowers blooming, bees buzzing, the hot Summer time. Dreams of anticipation of something exciting about to happen. Dreams of the sun.…
“Jipala’s presence is light, like a feather, and beautiful- translucent. She listens intently, and is able to translate whatever mess of words I bring her into a story line that makes sense. She is able to point out the patterns, and themes and mystery so that my own story makes sense to me. Once we can both see the story- the treatment is clear. Jipala is accepting of difficulty and mess and tears- and sees it as part of the journey, part of the healing. Her acceptance of wherever I am at the moment has helped me to be able to start in whatever moment I find myself in. It is easier to not fly from the nest. I am grateful beyond words.” R.P.S
“We are asked not to grieve endlessly because what we have lost will return to us in another form. Hidden within the worst of times are the best of times to come.” Sister Karol